Announcing Call for ISSMO Fellow Nominations
공지일시: 2024-12-16 12:11:05
The ISSMO Executive Committee is pleased to announce the introduction of the ISSMO Fellowship, starting in 2025.
The status of Fellow of ISSMO, the International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, is awarded to eminent members of ISSMO with distinguished records, who have contributed significantly to the advancement of structural and multidisciplinary optimization. This may be through their original research and impactful publications, the translation of research into practice, their leadership and excellence in pedagogy, mentoring, as well as professional service in the society. Nominees should be currently active in making both technical contributions to ISSMO and participating in ISSMO activities.
All ISSMO Members may be nominated by an ISSMO Member (self-nominations are not permitted; only one nomination is allowed per member). To be considered for the ISSMO Fellowship, the following materials must be received by the Executive Committee through the ISSMO Secretary General by the nomination deadline of February 15, 2025. Please note that members of the current ISSMO Executive Committee cannot be nominated, nor act as nominators or referees.
From the Nominator: A Letter of Nomination and the candidate’s Curriculum Vitae (CV). The Letter of Nomination (maximum 2 pages) should confirm the candidate’s eligibility and provide a justification for recommending the candidate for the award. The letter should include a suggested citation to appear on the Fellowship certificate to highlight the nominee’s eminent status and exceptional contribution (maximum 30 words). The candidate’s CV should be no more than 4 pages in length.
From Two Other Referees: Letters of Recommendation (maximum 2 pages) should provide a justification to recommend the candidate for the fellowship. A referee can recommend only one candidate.
The Nominator should properly combine all the materials required into a single pdf and send the pdf directly to the Secretary General at with the candidate’s name in the subject line. All materials must be received by the nomination deadline of February 15, 2025.
The ISSMO Fellows will be selected from the eligible nominees by the ISSMO Executive Committee. The new ISSMO Fellows will be recognized at the General Assembly of the WCSMO-16. The ISSMO fellowships will be awarded every two years during the WCSMO.
Questions regarding the nomination procedure may be sent to the ISSMO Secretary General at
For further details, please visit: